Lectures & Presentations

Lunch Special gemeente Amsterdam
Amsterdam tussen Licht & Duisternis
i.s.m. Ruimte & Duurzaamheid en Verkeer & Openbare Ruimte
Congreszaal gemeente Amsterdam
Dialoogtafel New needs for a new world
Titia Ex vanuit de dimensie Licht & Donker
Dutch Societal Innovation Hub, 2024
Amsterdam maakt Ruimte
Spreker over de Cyclus van Dag & Nacht
Workshops: Licht-sensitive wandelingen
Meervaart Amsterdam
Titia Ex over schoonheid van licht & donker
Interview door Sandra Rottenberg
Torpedo Theater Amsterdam
Creativiteit is ons beste wapen
Book presentation on creative processes by Danielle Wanders.
Those who understand their own creativity better can use it in a more targeted way. Creativity is about forming a vision, gaining insight in order to get a better grip on the development of yourself, your service or organisation. At this juncture, we need the use of creative processes to explore possibilities, not only for the arts but also for the social issues of our time.
Danielle Wanders, adviseur creatieve processen
Maike Popma, programma Adviseur Dutch Societal Innovation Hub
Christine Boland, Trendanalist, adviseur en docent
Lotte Vergouwen, HKU Design for Change and Innovation
Titia Ex, artist & researcher
Pakhuis de Zwijger Amsterdam
The Art of Light Projects by Titia Ex
Webinar organized by Laboratorios Sophya Acosta LIGHT.LAB
Based in Barcelona & Buenos Aires 2023
Gala van de Wetenschap & Kunst
Ode to Science & Art with brain scientist Erik Scherder as curator.
Building for Wellbeing by Titia Ex & Frank Suurenbroek, professor of Spatial Urban Transformation, A'dam University of Applied Sciences (HVA).
Speakers: Robbert Dijkgraaf, Merlijn Twaalfhoven, Lisa Becking, Bernadette de Bakker, Samuel Stäbler, Loes Segerink, Titia Ex, Frank Suurenbroek, Jean Tillie, Maartje Raijmakers. Dance Hannah Creutzburg, Music Lüna.
Gala van de Wetenschap & Kunst
Internationaal Theater Amsterdam (ITA), 2023
Bringing life to public spaces with Light Art
Conference of International Light & Art in Public Spaces (LAiPS)
LAiPS Talks & Panel
The Art of Light: A Universal Journey by Titia Ex
Éric Lefebvre, Executive Director, Quartier des Spectacles Partnership Montréal
Andrea Bocco, Professor at Interuniversity Department of Urban Studies and Planning, Politecnico di Torino
Anna Pellegrino, Associate Professor at Department of Energy, Politecnico di Torino
Creative Europe programme cities of Lyon (FR), Oulu (FI) & Turin (IT)
Bringing life to public spaces with Light Art
Lingotto Auditorium, Turin Italy, 2023
Academic Table Urban Ecology and Biobased Solutions
Kunst van het licht in Amsterdam Titia Ex
Belang van donker - Marjolein van Heemstra Amsterdam Dark Festival
Bioclock: Effect van lichtvervuiling op mens, dier & plant - Professor Joke Meyer LUMC
Ambities van gemeente Amsterdam op Licht & Donker - Elsemieke Koole Gemeente Amsterdam
Zuidas doet het licht uit - Lara Jongejans Green Business Club
Organisation by Muncipality of Amsterdam, ARTIS Amsterdam Royal Zoo & Amsterdam Dark Festival
ARTIS Amsterdam Royal Zoo, 2023
Light-sensitive walk Noord
Presentation & sensitive light walk together with the District Committee Amsterdam-North
Buikslotermeerplein area, Amsterdam-North, 2023
Column Dagelijks Bestuur Amsterdam Noord Yassmine el Ksaihi
Panel Color & Light
Stichting OVLNL (Openbare Verlichting Nederland)
Moderator Beatrijs Oerlemans LDA
Panel including Atelier Lek & Bioloog Kamiel Spoelstra
EXPO Fair Licht & Ruimte / Light & Space
Houten, 2023
Exploring the Nexus of Artistic & Institutional Communication Through Hybrid Media Art in Urban Space interview by Asli Caglar, Doctoral Research, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord, 2023
Light & Bodies & Perception in Public Space
SYMBIOSIS ISEA2023 - artist talk
In an era of global crisis — ecologic and economic; sanitary and socio-political — symbiosis is a notion that allows us to explore the metamorphoses afoot and to imagine possible futures. This symposium offers an incubator where artists, designers, scientists, and other thinkers will dialogue and debate on process and practice, exhibiting new projects along the way.
Forum des images, Le Cube Garges and the École des Arts Décoratifs, Paris, 2023.
International Light & Art in Public Spaces LAiPS
Visit Light Art Installations Amsterdam & Rotterdam by LAiPS
Presentation installation Lightfall Marineterrein Amsterdam
Round table discussion Rotterdam about Light & Art in European cities together with the cities of
Lyon (FR), Oulu (FI),Torino (IT), Eindhoven (NL) & Rotterdam (NL) 2023
Webinar Artistic Research by Titia Ex
HGLO Henk van der Geest Foundation Cultuurfonds
Moderator: Isabel Nielen
ILO - instituut Lichtontwerpen 2023
The Art of Light in Public Space
Coffee Break with artist Titia Ex
Webinar, moderator Jessica Ferey, Deputy Director of LUCI
LUCI Asssociation, Lighting Urban Community International, Lyon 2022
Kunst van het Licht
Speaker at the OVL Symposium
Public Lighting Knowledge Platform of the Netherlands
Organisation: NSVV, OVLNL, Acquire Publishing
Location: Auditorium TU/e University Eindhoven 2022
Artist Talk in collaboration with Red Light Arts & Culture
Special evening opening of The Walk at the Old Church Amsterdam.
During sunset in the Old Church, waiting for darkness to come.
Artist talk by Titia Ex & live music by double bassist Pietro Barcellona inspired by Ex's work, 2022
Artist Talk ISEA Barcelona 2022
Presented at the 27th edition of the International Symposium on Electronic Art, ISEA. An annual event worldwide dedicated to the crossroads where art, science, technology, and society meet.
MACBA Museum of Contemporary Art of Barcelona, 2022
Seminar: Creative thinking in public spaces
Guest lecturer, two weeks of interventions in public spaces in the city of Utrecht
Game Design, HKU, University of Arts & Media
City of Utrecht 2022
The Way to Glow
GLOW Academy
Expert meeting with students of the TU/e University and Fontys University of Applied Sciences
TU/e Innovation Space Technical University Eindhoven 2022
Placemaking after Dark
The Art of Light, lecture UTL LAB Domain Creative Business
University of Applied Sciences Inholland Amsterdam Noord 2022
Art of Light Masterclass (canceled)
Glowing Nature - Light Challenge
Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam 2021
Kunstwerkweek TU-Delft
Landscape workshops & lectures week
Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences, Delft University of Technolgy 2021
Light-Sensitive Walk Buikslotermeerplein area Amsterdam-North
Creating light awareness - with Placemaking Team, consisting local residents & entrepreneurs, University of Applied Sciences Inholland and the City of Amsterdam 2021
How Placemaking with light art can help activating places in the city?
Placemaking BFAS+ webinar
Fred Kent & Stefan Bodecker; Okrah Donkor & Paco Bunnik; Titia Ex & Pim Evers 2021
Light Art - lecture - International partners of the Light Art Collection
in association with the Amsterdam Light Festival, 2019
Bright Ideas; new forms of creative lighting around cities
Panel with Jean François Zurawik, moderator, Director of Fête des Lumières, Lyon - Jérôme Donna (FR), Titia Ex (NL), Thorsten Bauer (DE), Howard Griffin (GB)
Light Festival Forum Lyon - Palais de la Bourse de Lyon , 2018
MasterClass Light Challenge Lecture for 11 Dutch Universities for Applied Sciences, including a special night tour
Organization city of Heerenveen: Fryslân European Capital of Culture
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam 2018
Beyond our Eyes: Sensory Perception in Art - CODAworx - Panel with Michael Beneville, Titia Ex, Christopher Janney, Robb Pope - Heather Schatz (moderator) - CODAsummit: The intersection of Art, Technology and Place - Center for Contemporary Arts - Santa Fe, New Mexico, 2018
Intersection of Light, Space and Art - Lecture - Parsons School of Art and Design - New York, 2018
Amsterdam under the Microscope - Lecture - LUCI Asssociation - EYE Filmmuseum - Amsterdam, 2017
Inspiration Panel - IMAGO Cinematographers Symposium - Art Hotel - Amsterdam 2017
Pecha Kucha by Titia Ex – Luminale Frankfurt – German Museum of Architecture – Frankfurt 2016
Zuid-As LAB - Laboratory to cooperate with architects and developers – Architecture Centre of Amsterdam 2016
PLDC Convention - Moderation case studies - organization Via-Verlag Germany – Rome 2015
Case Study presentation by Titia Ex – Tunnel Convention Barcelona – organization Lux London 2015
Art lecture by Titia Ex -Flemisch/Dutch innovative entrepreneurs – organization Embassy Brussels, Antwerpen 2015
International Smart Cities Conference – Parktheater- Eindhoven 2015
Public Art lecture by Titia Ex – Başkent University – Ankara 2014
Poetry of Light presentation by Titia Ex - Museum Angewandte Kunst – Luminale Frankfurt 2014
Presentation The Waiting – Best landscape installation, CoD+A award winners – ICFF New York 2014
Light works of Titia Ex presentation by Philips Booth - Light Fair Philadelphia, USA 2013
Time, Energy and Transmission presentation by Titia Ex- Kinetica Art Fair London 2012
Light Art in Public Space – paper ISEA - Inter society of Electronic Arts, Sabanci University, Istanbul 2011
Glass- & Light Biennale Kijkduin - Openings performance with H.M. Beatrix, Queen of the Netherlands, 2011
Titia Ex Light Art - Architectural Lighting Day - Harbiye Military Museum, İstanbul 2010