
Titia Ex: a night and day difference

Her light sculptures have a dynamic, agile form and a lively character. In the course of light and dark, of day and night, they reflect related changes of mood. At any moment of the day, these works can change meaning. They invite you to participate in them. Her images allow you to enter the space in which they occur in a different way. They provide a direction to discover other possibilities within that space. They form an intermediate space, between the consciousness and the subconscious. They are a transitional area between a concrete situation and a thought, between form and idea. She makes a choreography that her images perform at will with all the space for the e are a transitional area between a concrete situation and an idea, between form and idea. She makes a choreography that her images perform to her heart's content with all room for the improvisation of the mind.

Titia Ex: een verschil van dag en nacht

Haar lichtsculpturen hebben een dynamische, beweeglijke gedaante en een levendig karakter. In het verloop van licht en donker, van dag en nacht weerspiegelen ze daarmee samenhangende stemmingswisselingen. Op ieder moment van de dag kunnen deze werken van betekenis veranderen. Ze nodigen uit om er aan deel te hebben. Dankzij haar beelden kun je de ruimte waarin die zich voordoen op een andere manier betreden. Ze geven een richting aan om binnen die ruimte andere mogelijkheden te ontdekken. Ze vormen een tussenruimte, tussen het bewustzijn en het onderbewustzijn. Ze zijn een overgangsgebied tussen een concrete situatie en een denkbeeld, tussen vorm en idee. Ze maakt een choreografie die haar beelden naar hartenlust uitvoeren met alle ruimte voor de improvisatie van de geest.

Alex de Vries

The Poet is a Cow

Foil 12 x 5.8 meters, 2005, was a temporary work on the façade of the entrance of the Dutch Social Insurance Bank (SVB) headquaters from architect Abe Bonnema and titled after a poem by the Dutch poet Gerrit Achterberg.

The image relates to the Dutch landscape. The colored foils introduced the tension of light into this white, glass building. The artwork de-materialized the space, the building became the canvas, the sunlight acted as a brush and the visitors were absorbed into it. This "color bath" placed them in a different perspective. People became aware of the physical light, of time and space, their own movements and felt more connected to the architecture and living environment.

Musical Chairs

Neon 13, colors: green, yellow, blue and red. Computer generated, Apeldoorn 2004

Musical Chairs, permanent installation, thirteen computer animated neon chairs in different colors switch on and off in a repetitive pattern. There is always one chair short in this dance, so the entire piece only exists in the mind of the spectator, who grasps its shape and character by moving around the building in the City of Apeldoorn.


Polderlicht 4`30 videoloop.

Recorded around the Polderweg area and named after the Polderlicht exhibition of the same name by curators John Prop & Loes Diephuis. Permanently exhibited in the auditorium of the main entrance of the LUMC, University Hospital Leiden.

OODE Gallery
Silkscreen printed glass panels in 3 layers: Black, blue and yellow by Titia Ex. Light - darkness, slow - fast, show - block what is behind. A play with time, space and the light of the surroundings. Appearing of disappearing, you will always perceive a change. Contact: OODE Gallery

Life Scan
Three permanent light boxes in the staff restaurant of Leiden University Hospital LUMC.

De Dichter is een Koe     Gallery SVB
De Dichter is een Koe Gallery SVB
Musical Chairs
Musical Chairs
Polderlicht videoloop
Polderlicht videoloop
Polderlicht  Balie Amsterdam Leidseplein
Polderlicht Balie Amsterdam Leidseplein
Glass panels (9) OODE Gallery
Glass panels (9) OODE Gallery
Life Scan, 3 permanent light boxes, LUMC staff restaurant
Life Scan, 3 permanent light boxes, LUMC staff restaurant